Looking for a special family member? We at CR Puppy Love are here to help you do just that.


Mary Boswell was AMAZING to work with- and we ADORE our Joy! (Ashlee)
She has a lovely personality and is exceptionally adorable.

We got Tutus for Christmas this year. He is certainly a showstopper. He loves going to the baseball games and the kids just love him. He is the sweetest dog I have ever had. He gets a lot of attention and is rarely left alone. He comes with the family to everything. He has grandparents too that want him to come stay when they have the grandkids. Thank you so much for this absolute bundle of joy.� joy.�Alissa

Here is our sweet Marlee. Beat dog ever. Jill

Dearest Colene,
We have our little Snuggles, now, unanimously voted, Khloe!
Thank you for your time, answering our calls and emails! CR Puppy Love made it very easy from top to bottom! 100%!
Please extend our gratitude to Elaine and anyone who had taken care of her before she came home to us!

Khloe is our BESTEST friend in the world. We LOVE our little girl!
Our two little kids, nine and six, are the HAPPIEST and most appreciative! Genuine puppy love. Best decision we made for our family! Great ages too! She is super smart. Was potty trained, I promise you, within weeks. I was amazed at her Poodle intelligence. Loves walks, playing around with all of our friends. Very social with other dogs too. We are looking forward to her first haircut, because she needs one soon, and summer fun! Best life experience for our family! Thank you!

PS.... Our vet sends many compliments to your very organized and detailed binder! Very informative!!!!
PPS... The only thing we wish we would have done differently... was buy Snuggles's sister, Marlowe!!!!!!


Just wanted to update you. We bought Titus right before Christmas and we absolutely couldn't be more pleased. He has the best personality!!! He is very spoiled. Thank you so much! Here are some pictures of our little boy at 5 months. We just love him!



Hi Colene,

Cookie is fantastic! She still goes nearly everywhere with us. Obedience training starts in two weeks with a goal of helping her become a therapy dog. She�s almost 8 months old now. Pic from a couple of weeks ago attached.

Is there a particular model/brand of electric trimmer that you could recommend for her?

Thank you for getting us such a great puppy!

Ken and Kris


You have no idea how much we luv this sweet boy! ❤️Merry Christmas 🎄🎅🏻🐶❤️ Luv Toby😘


Figaro on his way from Betty in Nebraska to Boston. So much love awaits this guy as John, Mary, Rebecca & Sydney anticipate his arrival. Not even a snow storm kept us from picking him up. Betty was awesome!!!


Hi Elaine/Colene -

Just wanted to let you know that Bailey has arrived safely and doing well. He is playful and just ate his meal. He's going to the bathroom every 2-3 hours outside. My daughter is ecstatic. He's already has his first photoshoot


Morning Joyce,
Just wanted to send you a pic of Clyde and let you know he's happy and healthy!
Hope you're having a wonderful fall!!


Hi Joyce! He's so great!! Potty training is going really well and he's sleeping so well too. My older dog is liking him more and more each day :) and the rest of us are in love!!!
So glad we found you and were able to make him a part of our family.
Although we loved the name "jinx" we decided to rename him "Clyde". Our other pup is Luke and it just seemed to fit.
I'm attaching a pic, hope it goes through.
Take care and thanks so much for checking in on him.
Love, Ali


Hello Elaine and Colene,

We thought we�d give you a quick update on Cookie before we ask you an easy question. She�s doing great! She went to the vet for a vaccination update tonight and she weighs 3.2 pounds right now. Seems to be right on track to end up around 5 pounds. She is the pampered princess wherever she goes, and she gets around quite a bit. Her potty training is going pretty well. We�re not quite to the point of trusting her loose in the house without us hovering over her, but she�s reached the point where she lets us know she wants to go out by camping by the back door. We�re pretty happy with the way things are going on that front.

She is so thrilled to meet new people! She gets very excited, and wags her little tail like crazy. The nice thing is she never piddles when she�s excited like that!

I�ve (this is Ken) been taking her with me to my office most of the day. She spends a lot of the day on my desk (see picture) on her pillow. I usually bring her home about two hours before Kris gets home from work and she spends those two hours in the crate.

We love that we can take her with us almost wherever we go. She�s been to the grocery, the pet store (of course), Target, a lawyer�s office, our granddaughter�s swim lessons, and a real estate company, among others. She�s a hit wherever we take her. In addition to the picture of her at the office, we attached a picture of her with our granddaughter, Coco, and one of her in our yard where she loves to tear around. (Coco and Cookie�we�re already confusing the two names!)

Now the easy question�what do you recommend that we use to keep her hair trimmed if we decide to do it ourselves? We�ve pretty much always trimmed our dogs� hair at home using scissors, so we�re wondering if we can take care of Cookie here. Do you think we should buy an electric trimmer? Which one? We�d appreciate any thought you might have on that.

All in all, we�re tickled pink to have her in our home. She�s brought us a lot of joy so far and we look forward to years of fun with her. Thank you both so much!!

Thank you,
Ken and Kris

  too cute   All tuckered out...way to much work for this little one...

Just wanted to let you know Ash is doing great. Vet remarked that he was well groomed and showed he was well cared for He is learning his name already and potty training is about 70% He is learning sit and come to His coloring is so different l love it He is very good

We like him and love him


Lexi (Belle) continues to capture our hearts. She is so playful and loving. She is afraid of nothing except fireworks. Garage door, dishwasher, hair dryer. Nothing bothers her.

Her first visit to the vet went great. He said she looks to be in perfect condition. She has been eating and drinking fine since day one. She loves her puppy playpen (when the door is open - which is most of the time now. Lexi caught on to the pee pads in two days. We take her outside every hour and most of her personal needs are done outside. No accidents on tile or wood floors in two days. We think she is the smartest and cutest puppy. Here are a few pictures of her:


what a beautiful time of my life it was knowing I'd found my other half...he is so everything to me Colene...you will always be one of the most special people in my heart because you are the reason that I've had so many moments of pure bliss the past 10 yrs...he still acts like a complete puppy! Those metal legs really gave him a new special power! He's the fastest dog at the park and tears around like he's maybe 8 months old!!! He's everything and more to me. Thank you always for bring me something I never realized that I could love in such a way that there's zero I wouldn't do for him...massages? No prob, Accupuncture weekly? You got it, when should he be here, $8400 new back legs- yup, let's do this, $90 every two wks because I only allow the finest groomer around to make him beautiful complete with a blueberry facial and special type of blowdry with each service and she comes to our house in a beautiful grooming can fit for a Prince (so clearly he belongs!)-never even question it-I'll go without my hair being done before he does, his custom leather, coral and turquoise collar he's worn since he was a baby that was made by one of the most ancient Indian tribes that still make their living off of the magnificent creations done by hand and Princeton is the one and only owner of the only dog collar the tribe has ever made, I could go on forever...just sleep at night knowing that one of your babies is literally living the dream as is the client that you spent so much time with making sure I knew every single Maltese fact before I purchased one. You truly are the exception in an industry that doesn't always have the best practices. And I'm blessed that God guided me to you. Love always.




Jazzy now coconut is happy healthy and well adjusted we are in love with her weighed 2.5 at first vet visit can't imagine life without her she is my little shadow follows me everywhere 🐶👵🏻👩🏼👴🏻🐶💕🐾 have a great day!😀

Ryan maltipoo puppy

Lil Taco after getting groomed. I am little morkie puppy from Keith... Peggy loves her Lil taco ...

Lucy is amazing and fantastic. Here is her bed at my office. Janelle
Breeder is Keith Morkie puppy

Luv my little Toby ... I took him to training class #1 in his class... Colleen
This is a Keith morkie puppy

Hello Elaine,

Just sending you a quick update on our little Theo. He is truly an awesome pup with a great personality. He has fit right into our busy family and with the rest of our animals (2 parrots and a stray cat that has lived in our back yard for about 3 years now). Theo just finished his puppy socialization class and did very well. Katie has also taught him a few tricks � his favorites are �shake a paw� and �high-five� - so cute!!

I will send some more pictures as he grows. (right now at almost 5 months he is about 4.25 lbs)

Cheers, Fern

  Theo Puppy School Graduate... Congrats Theo

Teddy is awesome. Had a great night. Very playful, happy puppy. He ate, pooped and cried a little when we went to bed.

He is a great dog. Joie my daughter is in heaven.


Hi, Coleen. I wanted to send along some photos of Rupert (formerly Butterball) which we purchased from you/your son-in-law, Ryan. Attached is the original listing. He is 8 months now and is the sweetest dog I've ever met. He is adored at daycare, and we're constantly getting stopped because people can't pass him without saying something. He has the BEST personality - he's super playful and sweet. The behavioral expert at the daycare told us he's really a fantastic dog and his behavior is as good as it gets. Just wanted to drop a note and say thanks. I've recommended you/Ryan to those who have asked where we purchased him (and many people ask).



I just want to thank you again for all your help with Issa, I love her so so much. Sending a picture of us two :)



Hi Colene thought I would update you on my handsome boy!!! The sweetest boy ever!!!????

Hi Colene & Joyce,
We just LOVE our little Tilly (formerly Ivy) She is the sweetest and cutest little puppy! We�ve had SO much fun with her. She�s spunky yet has the sweetest temperament. She even tolerates me dressing her in PJ�s and tutus� 
Currently, she weighs right around 2 � lbs� just a little peanut (all fluff) We can�t wait to watch her grow. Thank you for the perfect little puppy!
Who knows� maybe one day we�ll be back to find a friend for Tilly!
Rich & Christie


Colene and Joyce �

We are absolutely thrilled with Butterscotch (formerly Tia). Here is a picture of my daughter with Butterscotch. She is absolutely gorgeous and we can�t wait to put bows in her hair as soon as she gets out of the chewing stage. She is so well behaved and gets along with her big sister, Fluffy. It has been 2 weeks since we had her and she just learned how to bark. Her barks are so soft. She weighed in a 2lbs 4 ounces this past Friday. What a gorgeous bundle of joy! Thank you so much!

Jennifer and Family


Hi Colene,

Just wanted to send you a quick update on Meme. Thank you for all of your help. She arrived safely and my husband and I absolutely adore her! She is such a sweet and active little bundle of joy! She loves looking at herself in the mirror...ha. We renamed her Esm� and she has been the perfect addition to our family. At her first vet appointment she was exactly 3 pounds of love. I attached pictures of her for you below.

Thank you!

Grace and Michael


Love our CR Puppies!!!! Many Thanks to you both for bringing us such joy with all three of our girls :-)

Joyce and Elaine are the breeders of these cuties...

Hello! Beacon and Bunny are 5 months old today. Obsessed with them is an understatement, wanted to share some pictures with you.
They loveee each other, Bunny is a daddy's girl and Beacon is my sidekick. But they both love us both a lot which is awesome. Beacon has recently outgrown bunny a bit, they are about 5 and 7 lbs. They make us laugh every day we LOVE them!

Emma Lavy and Sam Bradford

Coleen, we are thrilled with our baby, Chipper,� who is now about 6 months old.� He is perfect in every way and is a wonderful addition to our lives.� He has given us so much love!��
Can't thank you and Jamie enough!��

Granger now Remy with his new mommy...Very happy new mommy...

Just wanted to let you know puppy is doing great. Named him Butler. I think I want another one. A friend for Butler... Jacqueline from Chicago

Hi Ladies!
Here are 4 out of our 7 children with their new puppy! Oh! Husband too!!

Thanks for making it happen! I'm sure I will have tons of questions!!



Hi Colene, Thanks for match making! I'm in love with the new baby. January n Pita

Hi Ryan, thanks so much for such a wonderful puppy! Scarlett loves to play and has been doing great! Her vet visit went perfectly and had been very easy to potty train with no accidents so far! She is such a blessing to our family :)
      Grown up Scarlett...her family loves her very much

She's beautiful Heidi
2nd. CR Puppy Love Puppy

Toby is a 10 lb. Maltipoo boy. He lives in Chicago land with Oleg and family. They absolutely love him. What a teddy bear looking guy.

Hi Colene,
Went to airport with Kerry and kids today. They are so happy! What a great
little puppy. He was shaking a little when he came out of crate in delta
office, fine since. He took a little water and licked a tiny bit of
Nutrical, just to be safe cause it was such a long day for him and he is so
He looked around every time the car made a stop or turn. He was trying to
stretch to see what was going on when I put him down on car seat when Kerry
dropped me off. He squiggled out of his blanket, was walking around on the
seat and wagging! Kerry just sent the picture of him playing at her house.
Looks like he might settle in quick. 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
What a smart, social little boy!


Hi Colene~ I just wanted to let you know that we picked up the puppy this morning from Keith. He is just perfect. We love him and Keith is wonderful. Very nice and helpful. We are naming him Korbel. I think we will def be getting him a friend in the future for him to play with. I will recommend you to anyone that asks. Thank you again and I will send pics when he gets a little bigger.


Attached are photos of bailey who we got from cr puppy love back in August of 2012

We absolutely love him and he is thre perfect addition to our home. Our 11 and 14 year old couldn't be happier having him as part of our family. We were wondering if you had any updated photos of baileys brothers or sisters you could share with us. We would love to see what they look like and where they live!!!

Xo the Lattmans


Hi Coleen and Linda,

This is Miss Calli on Valentines Day :) She has changed so much since I got her! I love her red ears! What a beautiful pup.



Hudson and her new mommy
Lisa puppy

Thanks, Colene...
Have a wonderful day. I've attached a recent picture of Ellie. She's 4-1/2 lbs of love. ~Pat
Lisa puppy

Hi Colene,

Wanted to give you an update on Snuggles now named Calli. She is almost 6 months old and she is the most beautiful dog. People always stop and ask me what kind is she? I tell them a Morkie, half Maltese and half Yorkie. Her coat has lighted up just a bit. She is my shadow and has to be in any room I'm in. We go for nice walks on the beach and she loves to chase the birds. People can't resist coming and petting her!

At home she has these bursts on energy where she'll just starting running back and forth in the house. She is so funny! I call this her crazy Calli mode. She is such a joy, and loves to "snuggle" too. We are going to start training classes soon, as Calli takes me for a walk and not the other way around. Lol. Anyway, here are some holiday shots of her. Many thanks to Linda her breeder, and you for bringing her to me through your website.


Colleen and Jamie,

I just wanted to let you know that Piper is adjusting wonderfully. She was totally content on the ride home from Iowa to Minneapolis, playing and sleeping and getting to know us. When we got home I took her outside and she did her business right away before we even went into the house. I thought the cold was going to be too much for her but by this morning she was right at home and wanted to play outside instead of getting down to business. I can�t thank you both enough for all of your help and for our Piper, the cutest, healthiest, good natured Malti-poo we know. I�m sure we will be sending more pictures as she grows

Tina, Craig and Sarah

Jamie and Colene,
Okay maybe one more picture. We just love Piper so much we can�t stop looking at her. She found her reflection in a full length mirror today and kept going back to it all day. First she was afraid then she growled and barked at it but as the day went on she became friends with the dog in the mirror and started to bring her toys in to play in front of the mirror. By the end of the day she was touching and kissing her reflection. She keeps us laughing all the time. She�s is everything we hoped for and more.

Thanks Again

Tina, Craig and Sarah


Just wanted to let you know I am in love with Redford even though he is sold. I am doing great pr for your website because I tell everyone to go to it to see him and his sister Molly. I have followed your puppies for years. At this time I have 2 dogs of my own. A golden retriever who just turned 12 and a crazy lab who is 8 years. Looking at your puppies makes me smile. Thank you. Keep doing the good you do!

I can't explain how much these sweet little dogs mean to our family. They are absolutely the BEST!
Thank you for having wonderful breeders.
Toby is the biggest sweetheart. Adorable and loveable.
Tiara has always been nervous and very skittish. She isn't loveable, but she loves our family.
I look at your website often. If it was up to my daughter and I we would buy one every month.
Thanks again!

We just got home 5 mins ago. She is just beautiful. She's drinking some water and eating. I bought her some toys and a bed and a couple of sweaters and a soft pink stuffed dog that she loves. She's precious! I've named her Sophie Rose. I love her!

  Jenny and her new Maltese Shih Tzu mix baby girl Sophie Rose

Hi Linda,

Wanted to give you a quick note to tell you we have and puppy and she is just precious! What a wonderful personality, she is sweet and playful at the same time.

My grandkids love her and she is the star in our household!

She must have the best parents, because I could not have ask for a puppy with such a wonderful temperament. Rest assured we will take very good care of her!

Thanks again,


Hi hi hi!! How are you Colene! I hope well. So Flash has finally arrived and he did great last night and is doing wonderful today! He is a sweet, cuddly, playful puppy! Fits in perfect! We absolutely love him! Thanks for all your help. I will keep you up to date with how he's doing and pictures! And will definitely be getting another puppy from your website when we are ready!


Going for a ride, wearing seat belts! Love, Laci and Max
    Laci now a big girl... Havanese and Shih Tzu mix

We have bought a Malitpoo last year from you. Her name is Tiara and she is so FUN and BEAUTIFUL! Can\'t wait to get our NEW puppy!
Here is a picture of our beautiful Tiara before her haircut. I take her every 6 weeks for a blueberry facial and cut. My friends think I'm nuts!
2nd picture is Tiara after hair cut...

Hi Colene! We just wanted to thank you for this great site. This is
Abby. She is almost 5 months old now. We got her from Lisa in Texas.
Couldn't be happier! Lisa is a fabulous breeder! She was so supportive
and really loves her puppies. She gave us lots of information and
pictures of Abby as we patiently waited for her. We feel so blessed to
have this wonderful puppy from Lisa!
Dave, Nicole, Jason, Nicholas & David

Hi Colene!

My husband and I emailed you awhile back about purchasing a puppy. We ended up buying "Sandi" from Lisa in Texas. I just wanted to let you know that we were beyond pleased with Lisa and the service that she provided. She was so helpful and patient with us. She answered all of our questions and has helped us even after the arrival of our puppy. I have already recommended her to some of my friends! Just wanted to let you know how thankful we are for your website!

Emilie Galanos

Hello Elaine and Happy New Year! I just wanted to give you an update on cute little Midnight. He turns 1 today and he is now an Ex-Pat puppy! He has had quite an adventurous year being born in Missouri, flying through Texas to his new home in Virginia, flying to Utah in September for my wedding and back to Virginia for a few weeks. Then, he ventured across the North American Continent with me and my new husband to Edmonton, Alberta Canada where we made our new home. The drive took us 4 days and 2400+ miles. He is having fun in the snow and has lots of cute winter sweaters and coats :). Here are a couple of recent pictures.

Midnight loves his new daddy (Kevin) and new big brother (Charley) and big sister (Hana). They love playing with him and always look forward to his cuddles. He steals the hearts of everyone he meats and is such a joy in our lives.


Kelli Jo

Hi Colene- sorry it's taken us so long to write. Sparky is doing great and we LOVE him so much!! He is a perfect fit for our family- he is super cute, playful and friendly. We can't imagine our lives without him :).
Thanks so much,
Jennifer & Lauren

Lombardi and I wanted to wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
I attached his annual Santa picture.


Lorna Dressendorfer & Lombardi

And all the best for the New Year!
Tracy & Dexter

Hi Joyce,

Just wanted to give you a quick update on Hampton! He is doing great,
between 4 & 5 pounds, knows how to use his fake grass potty pad and how to
sit and stay. We are absolutely in love with him! Below is a picture of our
walk earlier today, he loved the leaves!


Dear Elaine & Colene,

Here is an update on darling Dexter:

This fall Dexter was blessed by the Vicar of Washington during the Feast of St. Francis at the National Cathedral; won 3rd prize in a Howl-o-ween costume contest; had his first haircut and full-grooming session; and discovered that he loves autumn leaves.

Dexter is very playful and always attracts lots of attention. He charms children and adults wherever he goes, including everyone in his vet's office!

Thank you for the most wonderful little puppy in the world :-)


P.S. He just might need a companion down the road. Hmmm...

HI Colene!

Just wanted to give you an update! We got beautiful Sadie last Monday, and what a joy! She is the sweetest most enjoyable and gorgeous puppy. Elaine is the most professional breeder i have ever come in contact with and i have 2 other dogs! So i am super impressed with her puppy book and all her pedigree, vaccination info, advice, and even her enrollment into dog star training online!!

I have attached some pics and video of this gorgeous girl. We are so happy and blessed we came upon your website. Thanks so much for all your help!


DCR, Ana, Humphrey, and now Sadie!


I highly recommend Colene and breeder Elaine. I was nervous about adopting a puppy online, but their caring professionalism made me feel comfortable throughout the entire process. As Colene promised, Elaine is an outstanding breeder who cares about her little babies and prepares them well for their new homes. My vet was impressed too! I'm so grateful to have found my darling boy Dexter through CR Puppy Love.


P.S. Perhaps I should have named him "Houdini," because he has figured out how to escape from two playpens already! His new playroom is almost ready, so we will be fine :-) Or I could have named him "Polly," because he loves to perch on my shoulder like a parrot. Well, I'll stick to Dexter; I love him so. Thanks!



We had a great first night! I thought she would feel secure in the dog
carrier - see picture. I put a soft blanket on the bottom and it has
see-thru sides. She settled in with Ben and I very quickly. She runs up and
down the kitchen floor and Stella has started to engage with her. Mitzi is
watching from afar. I could not get her to eat last night so made sure she
had nutri-cal. This morning I finally put her bowl in the bag to reduce
diversions and she had a good bkfst. She has run around the yard but stays
close to me. I put the dog carrier on my nightstand so she could see us all
night - not a single cry. She slept quietly all night. As you can see - my
husband was not sure about another dog but he has immediately taken to her!

We have decided to name her Coco Chanel - we will call her Coco. Coco Chanel
was an elegant French designer and thought it darling. She is an elegant
beautiful puppy and we are thrilled to have her in our family. I will
gradually be moving her into a crate to ensure proper potty training and
slowly increase her free access to the house.

Take care and thank you for your loving care to Coco before she came to us -
she has a great temperament and sweet loving way!

Ben, Kathy, Stella, Mitzi and Coco


Hi Colene
It has taken me quite a while to touch base with you about Bailey...but as he turns 1 today I thought of you and wanted to send you a photo and an update! We could not be happier and are head-over-heels in love with him!! He has the most amazing personality and is beyond sweet and adorable!! You were extremely helpful in guiding us through every step of becoming first-time dog owners...and wanted you to know it was very much appreciated! He really is so special!
Thanks for everything...
Alison and family

Hi Colene,
We wanted to let you know that we got our shih-poo puppy, Ellie, from Lisa W. in Texas a little over a week ago. We were a little apprehensive about getting a dog so far away from us in Illinois, but everything worked out very well with the flight and pick-up at the airport. Lisa couldn't have been more helpful and encouraging. She sent pictures and emails throughout the process, keeping us updated on Ellie's growth and progress. Ellie arrived healthy, adorable, playful, and smart. Lisa obviously did a great job caring for her and we couldn't be happier to now have her in our family. I would unreservedly recommend Lisa to anyone who asks. She is a wonderful breeder!
Here are some pictures of our precious girl.
Thanks, Colene!
Pat and Wayne


Hello Colene, I want to add my testimonial to all the rest. I've also attached a darling picture of him. He's almost 4 lbs and will be 4 months old on May 3rd. Thanks! Kelli TESTIMONIAL FOR CR PUPPY LOVE: Little Midnight couldn't be happier in his new home in Virginia. He is adored by all and has brought so much joy to everyone who meets him. He's a star in the neighborhood and absolutely loves the big dogs. My close friends can't wait to take the "Midnight Shift" and are lining up to dogsit. So happy with the entire process from start to finish with CR Puppy Love. Everything went so smoothly and I have spread the word to a bunch of my neighbors and co-workers who may be interested in getting a puppy in the future. Thanks a million from Kelli in Virginia!

Our Maggie


These are pictures of Mackie on her 4th birthday. You can see how spoiled
she is. She is a wonderful little girl. The snow pictures were taken the
morning of her birthday!



Hi Colene,

It's been 6 amazing years, since you sent me my beloved Tasha (Morkie), formerly "Liza". She is my life and my love!!

Just wanted to tell you that Tasha & I will be featured on a National TV show - it's a show about pets who are spoiled! LOL But I prefer the word pampered.

Feel free to announce on your website or tell your clients. Although, I did mention on the air that I got Tasha from CRPuppyLove, they weren't able to keep that in the show, no advertisements. So that part may be cut. But I wanted to thank you again for my baby girl. I did look at shelters for two years but then saw Tasha's face on your site!

I'm attaching the puppy photo that you had on your website and a picture of us now, Tasha all grown up!

The show is also about Tasha's Pupscout Troop - she is the Troop Leader! If anyone would like to join the Troop, they can email [email protected]



Here's the info for the show - tomorrow night!!

April 20th, 9pm on National Geographic Wild Channel
"Spoiled Rotten Pets"

Thanks again, Colene!! Your website sure changed my life, for the better!!!!! :)
Susan & puppy Tasha

CR Puppy Love alumni

Picture from 3 happy CR Puppy Love families of their puppies/dogs at a play date....

Hi! Just wanted to give you both a quick update on how our new pup is doing after her first full week. One word: WONDERFUL! She is a pleasure! Hasn�t had an accident in the house since Saturday, using the bell for bell training already and sleeps through the night without barking or crying. Colene, you are a terrific liaison and have recommended you to a few people already who adore Gypsy and are interested in a puppy. Tammy, not sure how you do it but you have bread a special pup.

Thanks, Eugene


He's seriously soooo super cute and wayyyy more cuter than I could have ever imagined!!! He's already getting super attached to me. He's eating and going potty well and surprisingly on the pad. Except for once. :) Again thank you sooooooo much! I'm ecstatic!!!! Oh and he was bubbly and running around right away when I took him out of the cage. Don't think the flight bothered him too much.

Thanks a ton!!!! We adore him!

Best wishes!
Tracy and family


Hi Colene and Karl.

Today is Lombardi's 2nd birthday (he was Badger when he was with you) and I just wanted to say thank you for the love of my life. Lomabrdi is the most amazing, wonderful, incredible dog in the world. He has a toy chest full of toys, a closet of jackets and sweaters, his own Packer jersey, goes with me everywhere I can take him and he has my heart. I can't imagine life without my little guy. We are stopped daily on our walks because he is so beautiful and his record is 5 people stopping us so they can take his picture. Being in the modeling business I was used to getting stopped but now it's all about him. :) He is the mayor of the street and everyone knows Lombardi. I have run into other Morkies and they are no where close to being as cute as he is. You breed absolutely beautiful dogs with the best personalities! I was stopped one day by a man who wanted to know where I had him groomed. I gave him the name but told them their wait list is about a year. The next time I took him in the owner said a man came in with his dog and said I want him cut like Lombardi. Ahh my little famous dog. :) He is my bud and I love him enormously.

Thank you again to both of you. You've made a difference in my life giving me Lombardi. I will always be incredibly grateful.

I've attached a few pictures. He was Hugh Heffner one year for Halloween since he is a ladies man and he gets his picture taken with Santa every year too.

With my greatest gratitude,


we all love our dogs from you, all six, counting the two for the gray girls. thank you, gena

I just wanted to share a picture of Sir Henry, he is honestly the best puppy we have ever had! He has adjusted so well to his new home. I am just amazed at how smart this little guy is. I was so nervous about getting him without seeing him, but Elaine was amazing and so helpful! I can't thank you enough for our new little blessing!

Emily Chesnut


Dear Tammy and Colene,

Thank you so much for the sweetest puppy on the planet. Little Nick is doing great. We love him!

Thanks again,



Hi colene, I just wanted to let you know we received nickolas yesterday and he is amazing! Thank you so much for you guidance. He is even cuter in person. He is so happy and Elaine was wonderful! I will send you and update and a photo in a few days, we are still undecided on his new name. I just wanted to say thank you:)


Parti morkie puppy very happy in new home... My name is Blizzy... Elaine puppy....

We just LOVE her! She is so sweet!

Here is Remi and Gus. They are really adorable. ~Susan


I have never bought anything alive online before and I had some fears. I have to say both Colleen and my breeder Elaine were amazing. These two ladies have a true heart for the love of animals. Chewy Trulo has been home for a month now, and every single day is filled with laughs and unconditional love. He is such a blessing in our lives. The entire experience was seamless and heartfelt. I can not say enough good things about this experience and the wonderful people I got to work with. I thank you so very much!


Tammy...just spotted your msg late last night...the DYNAMOS are delightful! You can guess how busy they are keeping us...kinda like having toddler/teens, right?! They need toileting monitor (like toddlers) and constant surveillance (like teens)...but they are SO MUCH FUN. We love them both bunches...distinct personalities...and have so much fun "fighting" and chasing. Our older pooches, Lillie n Lewie, are not thrilled yet and older puddy tat, Amos, observes n avoids...but younger Andy just loves to tease them and is so good with them...he sits atop crate in kitchen while they jump all about around crate trying to get to him...his only problem is controlling his tail so you can picture that scene!

We have 3rd vet visit tomorrow for next shots (had one oral week or so ago...won't go to kitchen right now to check vet record since they're having good time in crate and, if Mama show up, breakfast (already little late) will be on demand!). Appetites are great...both gaining weight...especially Mr Des! I'll update with weights after tomorrow's visit.

Tammy, I would be thrilled to be a reference for you and Colene. These two sweeties are very healthy and came to us already very trusting, loving, and eager for adventure...knowing world a safe place, even after flight and us and other 4 legged "kids" all being new and strange. Luci n Desi have not played with neighbor "kids" yet since vet recommends waiting til all shots done.

Hugs to you...tell Riley and Bouncer all is very well with these two little characters!


  Happy new Mama  

One happy puppy "Lucky" with new moma Erin...
    One spoiled happy puppy!!!! She is very happy in her new home..

Hi Colene - it's been nearly two years since you helped us adopt Teddy and I thought it would be nice to send you another update. He continues to be a wonderful delight and now has a little sister named Bella!

Here are some progressive photos of Teddy and a couple cute pics of them both I thought you might enjoy! They make us smile and laugh many times everyday. Wonderful dogs! Thank you so much for your help and encouragement! You have helped make our lives so joyful. Bless you bunches!

    Best Friends!!!

They are doing awesome! We love them to death. Today they had their first trip to Petsmart and they had a blast! Everyone was stopping to make a fuss over them. It is hard to imagine life without them, its as if they have always been a part of our lives. We have a full grown maltipoo already and they love her, she definitley shows them what to do! It is amazing watching them learn and discover new things. They like to hang out in the backyard with me when I am doing yard work, and Bug (Lucky) is even allowed to come with me and Glory (our other dog) to the front yard and play in the grass while I clean the cars. Coco (Lizzie) usually opts to stay inside in the air conditioning during that time! They constantly keep the whole family laughing, and I can hardly wait to get home from work or training so that I can see them and play with them. Their favorite toy so far is a little ball with bells in it that is intended for cats (we have two cats as well). Usually while I am eating breakfast I give them two little cat balls to play with to keep them busy...they could play with those for hours! We also have a really large backyard that they are starting to explore more and more every day...they are most comfortable just playing on a medium sized patch of grass that we have close to our house though. They make me smile every time I see them, we all just adore them!! :)



Hi Colene �

Just wanted to send a quick note to let you know Cali Lollipop continues to be the joy of our life. She leads a very happy life and has decided to use her cuteness to help other animals in need. She recently won $100 donation for Puppy Rescue Mission that support bringing military dogs home from war zones to the safety and happiness of the USA. She even has a facebook following J. She helped me so much get through Chris�s recent deployment and really is the �bestest furiend� I could have ever wished for. Not a mean bone in her body and all she ever does is give everyone (and doggies too) kisses! Such a gem!

So my sincere thanks continue your way for bringing this joy to my life. Please pass my continued thanks onto Joyce as well!

I have also attached some updated photos�enjoy!



      Picture Perfect!

"I couldn't have asked for a better dog. Mindy and I are a match made in heaven! Thank you, Lisa, for being such a great breeder!"

San Antonio, TX


Hi Colene~
Just wanted to pass on the word about our new addition so that Tammy could have it in writing.
We are SOOOO pleased with our baby Josie! She is doing fabulous and has adjusted so well that most people can't believe it. She came to us incredibly socialized and just keeps getting better at it. She never barks, even when the door rings, and is the best snuggler with our 5 year old. She has taken to house training so well that I can trust her roaming a bit around the house and she just doesn't have accidents. We are just so happy! Thanks for everything, and if we want another, we know where to go! :)

Tastefully Yours,


Do we need to say anymore...this is Gabby....she is with her family living in France...family flew into US to get her and flew back over the pond with her on board with them...now Gabby is very happy in the arms of her new mommy in France...

Benzie (Mercedes) is doing well. She and the newf get along very well. Benzie loves everyone and has personality plus! I call her somewhat of an alpha female, she absolutely has to supervise everything. She likes the snow and will stick her head right down into it,however, she does not like rain. Please let Carl know she is doing great . If you get to Michigan feel free to come and visit.


Princeton's day is starting out far better than yesterday!! He just won the grand prize of $250 for a "cutest puppy" contest we submitted this picture to forever ago!! Glad they agreed that I do, in fact, have the world's cutest dog!!! So proud of my little man��


Hello Elaine,
Here is a picture of the most beautiful dog ever!
As you may remember (blaze)Louie is a small little guy. He turned one in November an he weighs 2.6 lbs. He runs the house and always makes us laugh. He is learning a few tricks.
Thank you so much for all your help.


I got my Jonah in march of 2008. He is doing great! And just turned 4!

Hi guys....its brody and family down here in southern california....just wanted to share some new pictures of our baby going on 10 months!!!! He is our second baby with u guys, and everybody who meets him falls right in LOVE :)

Jamie and david bronow

My angel and I are always honored to be happy owner and happy puppy displayed on your site! I still owe you the world for bringing us together!!! He's all I ever wanted~�� One happy crpuppylove.com customer for life!!

Hi Karl.

I have been meaning to drop you a note to tell you just how much we love our puppy! You did an excellent job matching our family needs with just the right puppy personality which was vital considering we never met the litter. I have given out CR Puppy Love to a few friends as they are talking about adopting. We have the best dog in the world and we thank you for taking such good care of her for us!

Happy holidays,


Hi Colene and Happy Holidays!!!!

I wanted to alert you to a very close friend of mine who will be contacting you regarding a Morkie. She met Lombardi and can't stop thinking about him. He has that affect on everyone he meets. She is thinking of buying one for Christmas for herself and her family. Of course I tell everyone that you are the only person to buy a Morkie from. I honestly don't trust anyone else and you and I have had such a phenomenal experience.

Lombardi and I are doing terrific. He is the best thing that every happened to me. I love him so much I can look at him and cry. He's my little love and I can't thank you enough for bringing him into my life. He's more than adorable and has his picture taken multiple times when we are out. He's become quite famous. I get stopped to find out where he is groomed, what he eats, what he like to play with, how I trained him etc... so their dog can be just like him. People even go into where I have him groomed and say "I want my dog to look just like Lombardi". It cracks me up. He's actually getting his little spa day today with his haircut because he has pictures with Santa this afternoon. Do you think I'm crazy over him?? :) His stocking is hung already and overflowing. I can't help myself.

I hope all is well and you are having a wonderful holiday season.




Mia is awesome. I love her so much and am so thankful that God gave me such a gift as her. She blesses so many with her sweet ways and about a year ago started smiling at people as well. Something that made her even more precious.
Have attached some pics of Mia. Hope you enjoy them.


Tonight Lombardi went to his first Halloween party. He bobbed for hot dogs, tried to jump through a hula hoop and got a bag of dog treats for being the favorite dog. I was so proud! He was Hugh Heffner and played the role perfectly. He had all the girl dogs coming up to him.

One of the trainers was able to get the first decent pictures of him. I try but he always moves. He did all his commands for everyone and now to only get him to do them all the time at home.

Lorna and Lombardi


Just wanted to thank you again for my new Morkie. I was so hesitant about purchasing from an out of town breeder but I am so grateful that I did. He is simply adorable and doing great!
Thanks for making everything so seamless!

Tamika B


Hi Elaine and Colene!

I hope you remember me, I got these two beautiful wonderful dogs from you guys! They are the best dogs ever! Here is a recent picture of the sisters :) Can't believe they are a year and half years old already!

Thank you


Colene and Joyce.

I just wanted to let you know how special Mia still is. She has been with me 2 years now and I can��t imagine life without her. She is such a joy and the sweetest dog ever. She weighs in at 4 lbs. She still comes to work every day with me and my clients love her as much as I do. She greets all of them and has never barked in my office. About 6 months ago she started greeting people with a smile. It is precious. She is loved by all including all animals. She likes to cuddle and sleeps at my neck every night. I have attached a picture of her and also one of her and her friend Sneakers��

Thanks again

Sally from Montana

  Soooo very cute!

Hi Karl and Coleen, the puppy came, and is doing great!! His new name is Biggie! We love him. Thank you both! Joan, Fabian, and Annabelle


Hi Colene & Ellen,

Just thought you might like to see a picture of Sophie your "Ana" born Dec. 15, '08.
She is the best girl. She's so smart and really wants to please you.
We love her to death. Her parent must be something to have had such a great little girl.

Thanks again for such an awesome pup.



He's doing great. Eating all on his own. Playing well with Brady. Loves car rides and watching tv with me! He's a awesome dog. Love him tons.

Hi Colene - just a follow-up note about our "Teddy Bear Smaby". I talked with you just before Christmas about a new puppy and you referred me to your son-in-law, Ryan. Ryan met us in Eau Claire with Teddy and in short - we absolutely adore him!!!!!

My husband, Mark and I agree he is the best dog we have ever had! He is adorable, sweet, playful and so smart! He is totally housebroken and get this.......he uses our previous dogs' doggy door (designed for about a 20# dog) to let himself out & in! He knows how to sit, shake hands, speak, walk on a leash, "leave it", "watch me" & down! Everywhere we go, people smile & admire him! He loves everyone! He was a real hit @ my Pilates class over the Holidays. The first time he went with me, everyone loved him! Another student said "he's so cute I can't stand it"! The instructor even carried him around while teaching the class. The next time we came to class everyone was waiting to see and hold him! Teddy was a celebrity!

Thank you so much for helping us find the perfect dog!


  Samby our adorable, funny, smart & totally loved Teddy! Thank You so much!

Our experience with Elaine and CR Puppy Love, was a joy!! They handled the entire process with precision and confidence - from our initial contact through their follow-up phone calls at the airport to make sure that the pup arrived safe and sound. It is obvious that everyone loves what they do and, more importantly, view their puppies not like merchandise, but, like little babies that will bring joy into other people�s lives. It truly was a blessing to find such a nice group of individuals and be able to deal with them on such a high level of professionalism!!!


Good afternoon...

�Cooper� arrived in sunny Florida on Friday night. He has been nothing but amazing and adorable from the second we picked him up. He has not had a single accident in the house and crate trained immediately. I put him in his crate last night at 11:30 and didn�t hear a peep until I took him out at 7:00 this morning. The vet said he is a very healthy puppy with great legs/knees and everything checked out perfectly. I�ve attached a picture of my kids with Cooper. We have all absolutely have fallen in love with him!

I have already referred a number of people to your website.

Thanks for everything...



Dear Jamie and Colene, I'm sorry that I haven't written in a while but I just wanted to give you an update on your Trudy (maltipoo) you sold us this past summer. We received her in September at 12 weeks weighing 2.7 lbs and is now 4 1/2 months weighing 5 lbs. She is doing great! She is a good eater, she loves to go on walks and goes everywhere we go. She's already been to NYC and Montreal, Canada and has melted the hearts of everyone she meets. We love her so much, she is sweet and loving and has a lot of personality. The vet said that she is extremely social for a little dog, she said she is a big dog in a small dog. My daughter is ecstatic to have a new companion and so proud of her new dog. I've attached pictures that I took around Halloween time. I hope that you enjoy them. Sincerely and best wishes,Sonia

Joyce -

Cali Lollipop just celebrated her first birthday! She is definitely a happy doggie who enjoys her life here with us. That makes me so happy! Having waited 37 years to get my first dog, she is more than I had ever dreamed of. She has brought me more happiness in my life than I could have ever asked. Most importantly, she has been a definite "best friend" to me while Chris has been deployed. Having purchased her online, I was scared at first not knowing the personality of what we were getting, but she is heaven sent in my opinion and we are so blessed to have her in our family.

Words to you could never thank you enough for bringing such a perfect puppy into this world! I wanted you to know that and to know that she is by far the most loved doggie on this planet!

I have attached a few picture of her first year with us....enjoy!



Just wanted to give you another update on Mercedes. She is by far the cutest and most well behaved dog in the entire world! We love her so much! She is now 1 year and 5 months. She weighs in at 3.5 lbs. Thanks again! Hope you've gotten some business from us. We tell everyone about www.crpuppylove.com

Courtney and Joel


Hi Elaine and Colleen,

Hope all is well here is a updated pic of the girls! They are growing up so fast! We love them! Zoey is the first pic (she is more to herself but loving) Jazzy the second pic ( so loving always kissing).

  Zoey   Jazzy

Hi Elaine! (And CRPuppyLove!)

This is Tiffany Newton, I bought my little girl "Cookie" from you about a year ago now, and I wanted to send you some updated photos! Her name is Maggie, and she is the sweetest little girl! She just had her first birthday, April 2nd, and she got her first haircut that day. She is full grown now (I think!) and she weighs about 3.8lbs, so tiny! Here are some photos of her and I from her birthday - you can see how cute she turned out!

Thanks so much for such a sweet little puppy - she is much loved,


Hi Colene,

Thank you for introducing us to Elaine, she was so easy to talk to, answered all our questions and got the puppies to us fast and safe! The puppies are wonderful! Full of energy! They adjusted to us very quickly. Here are a few pictures of Jazzy and Zoey. Zoey is the smaller and shy one, Jazzy is always running around


Dear Colene and Rich,
We purchased a female Maltipoo from you back in October, 2008. Since that time, she has become a tremendous addtion to our family, and is by far the best bred dog our family and extended family has ever owned.

Thank you for strickly breeding only quality dogs. I just wanted to let you know what a wonderful dog she has turned into for us! We would be happy to serve as a reference if you need one.
Thanks, Mike and Maureen


Hi Joyce,
We are enjoying Gemma so much. She is a very loving puppy. She gets excited who ever comes in the room. She is adjusting very well with all of us. Gemma has not yet had a accident in the house. She fell asleep on my youngest daughters lap last night at 9:30. My daughter put her in a soft sided crate. I checked on her at 3:00 in the morning and I put her outside to go potty and then back in the crate she went and slept until 7:00. Gemma sees our vet tomorrow at 4:00. I will send you the information on the vet visit as soon as we get it. I am so glad I took my time looking for the right breeder. I can tell that you socialized with your puppies. I can also tell that Gemma was loved and taken care of by a very special person. If anybody ask me where I got Gemma I will for sure tell them about the web sight. Take care and we will be sending some pictures soon.


Jamie / Colene: What an unbelievably cute puppy! Hank is here safe and sound - he is awesome, thank you! - J.J.

Karl and Colene,

Thought you would like to know how Isabelle is doing--She is the happiest, most loving little girl in the world! She is so endearing--and hasn't met a person that she doesn't love and everyone she meets falls in love with her too!

She is just thriving and growing, eating well and is quite strong when she plays, yet at he last vet check at 14 weeks she weighed a full 1lb 13oz--3oz more than the week before!

She loves our toy Aussie and sits on his back while they both chew on toys. He adores her and is so gentle with her. They both love to fetch and she comes running back with a stuffed toy as big as she is! When tired from play she curls up in our lap to sleep. She is just the perfect lap puppy, yet very playful.

She is so smart, knows her name and comes when called(most of the time) and goes on her potty pad tray with few exceptions.

We are delighted with Isabelle and can't believe how adorable she is and what a great disposition she has.

Debbie Reed


Hi Colene,
You may recall we adopted Sassy from you a few years ago. She was one of your Brazilian beauties and had a sister named Sofia. Well Sassy blessed us this year with three daughters of her own - we now have a family of six and could not be happier! Unfortunately we'll need to stop there and will not add anymore to our clan for a long while, but wanted to take this time to thank you for bringing Sassy to our lives and share a family foto. The handsome morkie on the left is Charlie, followed by Christie and then in the box we have puppies - Lulu (black one), Molly in front (champagne) and Darla (white). Mom Sassy is the beautiful morkie on the right of the pups. We love them all !!!

Hope you enjoy the foto and have a terrific Holiday Season!
Connie, Lou and Laura Ercole - Shelton, CT


Hi Joyce/ Colene,

Just wanted to send you some pics of Max hanging out with me at work. He's the sweetest lil boy. Don't worry I don't leave him in the drawer, I just made a lil sleeping area so he doesn't have to be in his crate. He loves his chicken & rice for breakfast and chasing his sister Juno around the house.

Thank you both for everything.

Take care & happy holidays.



Colene - We wish you happy holidays!! Baxter is at 4.7 lbs now.

Baxter, Phyllis, Lindsey, Brandon and Bob


Karl and Colene,

Wanted you to know Kamie (now Isabelle) is doing great. She plays, eats, drinks and sleeps, and potties with no problems or signs of stress. She has adjusted incredibly well for her first day and her long journey. She got in about an hour and a half earlier this morning so we have had her basically all day

She is just adorable and has the best personality. She wanted to get out of her carrier to play on the floor with the toy Aussie, and has no fear when the Dobie comes near her carrier. We of course have not and will not allow them out together, but they really seem to like each other!

She was so funny this evening, I was cleaning her crate and she saw her reflection in the window and started growling and barking at herself. She doesn't bark or growl at the Dobie or the Aussie, just herself. She is a spunky little thing!

I cannot believe how small she is. We took her to the vet today and she weighs 1 lb 11 oz, but she feels like a feather. There were no surprises at the vet check, our vet saw everything yours did, and did not seem very concerned. All the doctors and assistants thought she was adorable. We will take her back on the 22nd (10 days) for her next shots and any additional worming she might need. I will send you a copy of the vet check so you have it for your records as required.

She definitely is a little trooper and has adjusted amazingly well after her long journey. We are delighted with her.

Thank you,




Here is a picture I found online of Jak and I! I didn't want the photographers stomping on him so I carried him down the street! Thought you would like to see how my little guy is doing....

He is an angel, sometimes a devil, lol. Weights in at 4 pounds 6 oz...... He's amazing!

Talk soon!



Just wanted to drop a line to you that Sophie (right, Morkie) is doing great. She will be 2 in December.

She has a great personality, loving and very smart. She and her sister get along wonderfully.

Thanks again,


Hi Colene
I cannot believe it has been almost a year since we got our beloved Teddy (Theodore E. Bear). We love him so much and he is literally the best dog ever. I thought you would enjoy some recent photos both before and after his haircut! Hope all is well with you.
Lauren, Randy, Megan and Logan


"Colene u simply have the best puppies ever!!! She is so sweet and we all love our new little princess so much! Thank u!"

"we are enjoying her so much we can't stand it!!! Our trainer has a school who would like to get one for an auction item ...I gave them ur info so they should be calling you soon! Your west coast rep is on the job!!! It's hard to believe all the love you have brought in to our lives and we haven't even met! Next time you come to CA u really need to come visit and see us all!"

#4 puppy from CR PUPPY LOVE to this family network

  Ariana with her little Maltshi puppy  

Hi Colene,

Here is a recent photo of "Snoopy", now known as Mario. He just got his first official grooming yesterday. He looks pretty white right now. It will be interesting to see how his hair color grows out. He is about 4 months old now and weighs a whopping 2-3/4 pounds. He's a real sweetheart. Everyone who sees him wants to take him home! He's a loving pup and is always ready to give lots of puppy kisses!




Here are some current pics of Tiago (Merlin). Thanks again he is a wonderful family member.



Baby Mia is awesome. She is so sweet and much calmer than Chloe has ever
been. I take her to work with me every day and she is definitely being
people socialized. They all love her. She is so good. Chloe was much
more difficult and high strung in the office:) I took her to her first Tea
Party Patriot meeting tonight and she was the hit and slept in her blankie
in my arms the whole time. She is eating good, but only weighed in
yesterday at 1lb 8 oz. Probably the ordeal of the last week. Hooter, the
hound LOVES HER and wants to play, but I won't put her down as he is so big
he could hurt her trying to play. When she is in her crate, he sits right
in front of the door and watches her.
She loves the barn cats. They also play with her and she jumps over them.
She is a fast little thing and loves to play and run.

Thank you so much for raising such an awesome little dog who is so well adjusted. Colene you were so terrific and professional in handling
everything. Even putting up with all of my emails and questions. I will
definitely recommend you both very highly.

Thanks again

Sally Miller of Montana


Dear Colleen: Just wanted to drop you a line about my little \"Perola\" who we adopted in December of 2007. She is an absolute angel and princess. Unfortunately her eyes do not produce any tears, so we must give her a regimen of drops 3 times a day. She is managing well so far; hopefully we will not have to have any surgery on her. But she is so worth it! I will send you a picture or two so you can see how beautiful she is! She is a treasure.
Best regards,

Janice Papp


Dear Colene,

Teddy, a malt shi pup, has been a wonderful addition to our family! He�s brought us so much love and laughter and has been so great and patient with our doting twin six year olds. Thank you for all of your help and advice and making the process as seamless as possible. You went above and beyond matching us up with our newest addition to the family. We will definitely recommend your services to anyone looking for a breed that you specialize in.

Jennifer and Joe Knutsen


Hi Colene & Joyce! Here are pictures of Emmie's (Avery) homecoming! We are all absolutely in love with her! She has been the most well-adjusted puppy we have ever gotten. She has been so happy, calm, friendly and mellow since I picked her up!! I am just amazed at how easy going she is and how she is not afraid of anything. She hardly ever barks and plays great with our other 2 maltese dogs. We put her in her carrier that we bought for the airplane ride when she goes to sleep at night and she never makes a peep until morning. She truly is a beautiful dog and we couldn't be happier to have her in our family. She was well worth the flight to DesMoines! Thank you so much for taking such good care of her!
Thanks again!
Erin Adamek & Family


I wanted to thank you for helping us get our new addition to the family. He is just precious. I attached a photo for your enjoyment. Thanks, Iris

You won't believe how CUTE he is. He literallly stops traffic on a daily basis!!! And he is so sweet!
THANK YOU for everything!


Hey Colene,
I thought you may want to post a picture of my adorable little girl on your website�
She is sunbathing on the deck�9 mos and still only 3 lbs 13 oz. Still needs sunglasses she�s squinting a little�

We are considering getting a friend for her to play with so I�ll be visiting your site again soon. Ginger would be very
Happy with a little �Gilligan or Skipper� to play with!

Enjoy the rest of your summer.

MaryAnn (Goffstown NH)


Hey Colene,
Joel and Courtney here. Just wanted to let you know that everything with Mercedes is going great! She is probably the cutest thing we've ever seen. She has been eating great, and we went to the vet saturday and they said she's perfect. She isn't so perfect at the pooping outside yet. :) But she's also sleeping through the night already.

Just thought we'd give you an update. Joel was going to call you but couldn't find your #. Heres a picture of me (courtney) and Mercedes.

Thanks again for all your help.
Courtney and Joel


Wanted to send you a few pictures of Dakota (Mackie DOB 1/10/08). She is so great, Damon and I love her to death! She is such a ham..


She is a maltese/shih tzu mix... known as a maltshi

Hi Colene,

I have to tell you, this is the sweetest, cutest most overall wonderful little puppy I have seen. In only a week my girls and I are crazy about her, so I have to thank you again for sending her to me. I brought her to a family baby shower last weekend and I think she has put the idea of a puppy into a lot of my cousins heads.

Again, thank you for my wonderful puppy. I am at work now, but will try to remember to send cute pictures from home later so you can see how happy she is with my girls!

Anne C


Hi Colene,
My name is Camaron in Washington st.
Not sure if you remember me but I purchased Lindy now Lola from you about 10 months ago.
Lola is doing wonderful and a complete blessing to our family, so much fun and love.

The only issue we have is she is so little 4lbs many times larger dogs scare her and she really does not want to play with them.
Looking back I wish I would have purchased her brother when we were looking so she had a play buddy.

Looking for a playmate for Lola...


Hi Colene,

I attached some photos of my cutie. This was on her 6mos birthday. She weighs 4lbs 2 oz. You will notice her shaved arm. That was from her spay surgery. She is hard to get a photo of but I will keep trying.

I just adore her. Her proportions are amazing! Perfect! She is such a sweet pea and everyone adores her. Because she comes to the office with me every day, she is a bit attached but I know that will change in time and the crying when I leave will not be so bad.

She is the love of my life�� Thanks again to you both.

Thanks Again!



Hi ladies! Well, Nuno has finally settled in and we are so in love with him! He is so outgoing and lovable...we just can't get enough of him! Nuno has his 4th round of shots at the beginning of June...so we will keep you updated. Attached are some pictures.

Lindsey & Marco


Hi ladies! Well, after a long day we are home. We have decided to name him Nuno in honor of his Portuguese heritage. :) When we first got him, he was a bit timid but warmed up quickly. After playing with my 4 year old nephew for about an hour (who absolutely loves him as well) Nuno decided it was time for a nap. So, now he is sound asleep. We are both so excited and thrilled! He is so much better than we expected and cannot wait to be great parents for him. His first checkup is tomorrow so we will keep you informed. Thanks again for all of your help. We absolutely love him!


We've been negligent in sending you updated photos of Jessie and wanted to correct that. She is indeed the joy of our lives. Smart, healthy, funny and still full of energy!! Thanks again for everything
Sandy Duncan's Puppy....

Hi Colene,
I just wanted to say hello and tell you how happy I am with Obie. He is the best dog ever and really grew out of his adolescent puppy stage. I referred a few people to you, I hope they call. I was sitting outside on a park bench with Obie on my lap and EVERYONE stopped to say how cute he was. I automatically went into sales mode and promoted you and Ellen. I will send you new pics of Obie soon. Hope you are doing well.
Thanks again!!
All the best!!


I thought I would share a photo with you �� We just love her to pieces!

We absolutely love her! \
Millie is just a blessing - my husband�s father passed away suddenly October 1st at a young age of 53 � this has had the entire family down � and Millie manages to give everyone something great to look forward to each day. She is a great puppy � she plays and cuddles very well! I wouldn�t trade her in for anything!

Thank you for all your help!



Thank you so much for expediting Clicquot�s delivery. We had a great Saturday night and Sunday bonding. She is a little doll baby and so alert, smart and very playful. She is a little shell-shocked from excessive noise of the airplane ride and doesn�t have much of an appetite, but I�m sure that will pass. We have a puppy shower this afternoon and then a Wellness visit at the vet tomorrow. The landscaper friend is coming over this week to treat the lawn for fleas and ticks and I�m getting a little patch of lawn re-sodded that is all crab grass and full of stickers. She is well loved. Merry Christmas

Well, all I can say is that Sandy is just head over heals in love with Jessie. She is adorable and I must add smart as hell!! She already goes to the door when she needs to go outside to use the bathroom....most of the time! Thank you so much for all your time patients and help.


I just wanted to tell you how much we are enjoying our little man�..We named him Cinco because he is #5 in our family.
Thanks again for everything!!!
Leslie & Adam


Hi Colene,
Hope all is well...Just wanted to tell you how much we love Tracer...he is the best!!
Thanks again!


She is a baby doll, that is so true. She is something else. A ball full of energy. She even tried to play when she was in the kennel sitting on the counter at Quantem. The guy said he had never seen a puppy as friendly and as happy as she was. Don�t think the flight bothered her one bit and today it as if she has lived her all of her life. She is running around, jumping and playing and having herself a ball. Thanks again and have a wonder Thanksgiving.

Lisa B.


Hey all- Here's a fun little picture of me and the pups...Micaela did a new photo shoot since we didn't have any yet with our sweet Hudson:) Anyone that knows them, can see how indicative this photo is of their personalities...Micaela always captures this!!! amazing how great she is!!! Colene-Look how huge my sweet Prince is!!! We call him Mr. Ivy League because he is always so regal in photos!!! Could not have ever found this amazing of a best friend without you! Thank you from the bottom of my heart:)) Love you all

K, P, and H


Just wanted to let you know how our puppy,Winnie,is doing. She is 6 months now and is just a doll! Her coloring is beautiful and she weighs in at 5 pounds. She is the joy of our family . Our hats off to Joyce for our spoiled little bundle!

Thanks again for helping us find our little angel!!



Here is Missy after being with us for 2 weeks. She is a fantastic puppy. She doesn't cry at night she is basically housebroke. (90%). She is a real show stopper everyone has us stop to look at her they can't believe how pretty she is.

Thanks for a wonderful pup.

Lloyd and Marion


Hi Colene,

Just wanted to touch base with you and let you know that Zoe, our Lhasapoo, is a happy, healthy, precious, big girl now!

She is 3 years old and we can't believe how time has flown by. I've attached some photos! Give our best to Denny, Zoe's breeder!

Donna L


Hi Colene--

I just wanted to write you to let you know that Jak has been the best thing to come into my life. He has such a great personality, is so playful, and is beautiful. Whenever I go places with him everyone wants to take pictures of him! He's such a celebrity. I am so thankful that you were there to lead me through the process - it was my first dog and many people can find it really overwhelming. Also, thank you so much for always answering my questions and keeping me updated with pictures! (I know I sent you many many emails! :)) Jak and I have a wonderful bond and he follows me everywhere I go... He really is such a wonderful dog. Thank you so much for all your help. I tell everyone I know about your website and will continue to do it!

All the best,



What can I say about our puppy?

She's incredibly beautiful. We find her socialized to both people and other dogs. She is bright, happy, smart, energetic, and very loving, and did I mention funny?

She is not intimidated by the presence of our larger Westies, and is working on making them her new playmates. We could not be more satifiesfied with our little dog.

Our fellow Alabamians are already asking where we got her!! There
aren't many Maltizus around here.

Thank you for having this wonderful little breed available! She was a birthday present to my daughter, needless to say we are all very much enjoying her!!!

Sincerely, Rene Loftin

PS - I found Steve to be very friendly, and helpful. He provided me with all the information (numbers and such) I needed and called me on my drive over to get her. Thank you also Steve!!

We are all very happy!!!



Hey Colene,

How are you? This is Kate Solomito....we got Taz from you last summer. He is AMAZING!!!! My fiance, who originally did not want a dog is completely obsessed with him. Taz is hilarious and we can't imagine our home without him. Super smart too!
He didn't stay as tan as he was as a baby...he is very light now but has an awesome champagne color. He stayed small :)
He is 6 lbs. He is quite the mush also...he always has to be ON us.

Anyway, here are some pics for you. I wanted to post a testimonial but couldn't figure out how.

Kate, Dominic and Tazzy


I don't know if you are still breeding puppies, but I wanted to show you a picture of Roxy Girl who I purchased over 2 years ago from you. We love her so much. and I want to thank you for our wonderful addition.

Thank you
Have a great day




I hope you are well. I am so sorry we have not yet sent you pictures of Cash. I have attached a few for you. Cash is amazing, everywhere we go people tell us how handsome he is. We are very lucky, he has the best temperament too.

Hope you are well.



Hi Colene,
I wanted to drop you a note and tell you how much our trainer loves Charlie. She works with small dogs and has done only 2 other morkies, but is absolutely in love with his coloring and disposition. She has gone to your site, and now wants to recco Joyce's puppies to others. She feels Charlie is what breeders of designer mixes strive for- the perfect mix. I'm not sure how to post on your site so I thought I'd send you an email. Feel free to post this for me.

PS- are the 2 red morkies (Tango and Tracer) from Joyce?

Lisa Ohio

I hear we found a buyer for Tango! Let me tell you, I got stopped 4 times in 10 minutes in this little village this morning when I was taking Charlie to his trainer. I gave out your website to 2 people- not even the one that ended up buying Tango! Tell Joyce to stock up, Charlie is creating quite a buzz in this little town.


We've had Grady (Teddy) for about three weeks and we are very happy with him. He is very well behaved. Thank you for providing us with such a wonderful pet! He trains easily. Also,
he is the cutest dog I have ever had, and we all love him. Thanks again.
The DiJulius'



We have had Zoey (aliza) for a week now!! I just wanted to drop you a quick note to tell you she is doing great. She is such a good puppy. She is adorable, playful and smart. We have all fallen in love with her and she has joined right into our family. We can tell she came from a good home with caring people and we are so glad to have her!!! Many neighbors and friends have also fallen in love with her and will probably be contacting you for a puppy of their own. I will highly recommend you as we have had such a good experience. Please let Joyce know we are so happy with our puppy!!! Thanks again.



Hi Colene and Ellen,

Sophie (Ana) is doing great and loving her sister.

Thought you might like to see her.

The new pics on the web of the Morkies, is that Sophie's mom and pop? They are adorable.

Thanks again,



We want to thank you so much for "Tiny Benny". We can't say enough about him. We just adore him!

Benny is even more adorable than the pictures on your web-site. He has the perfect personality. Benny is very friendly, playful, and loving. The breeder, Vicky, did a remarkable job socializing him. She truly cares about him and I we will keep in touch with her about Benny. Like you, Vicky, has been very friendly and helpful all the way. I feel like I have known you both for a long time.

Benny from day one, warmed up to everyone in the family. He never was depressed or seem to miss his original home. He is well rounded. There is a lot of excitement here and we give him a lot of love. He is going to be soo spoiled.

The vet's office thought he was just adorable and looked great. They wanted to know where we got him for recommendations to some clients that were looking for Yorkies. I told them that it was a wonderful experience and as can be seen from the results a very successful one. I highly recommended you.

Benny is a treasure, we feel blessed that he is part of our family. Thanks again for you kindness and professionalism.


Vivian, Dan, Daniel, Brooke, and Natasha
Village of Palmetto Bay, Florida


A Fantastic Experience with professional people.
I totally recommend buying a puppy from CR Puppy Love. They are very professional and took care of all my questions. This was my first time buying a puppy online and I have heard horror stories from other people buying a puppy online. Thank God for CR Puppy Love. Now I am planning to buy a companion for my new puppy and I will be buying her from CR Puppy Love. Thank you CR Puppy Love for a adorable puppy, he is my little man. God Bless!

Reviewer: Bella, March 21, 2008

A review seen on Puppy Find by one of our new pet owners

Up Date:
Bella is doing wonderfully. She just had her 1st
birthday complete with a can of dog food and a candle as we sang "Happy Birthday" (2-2-08). She is such a doll and so smart (obviously still a mama's girl)

Best wishes to you and all the pups,



Colene & Connie

I wanted to keep you up to date on Dori. She is just an angel. Love her to death. She is my little buddy. I get so many compliments on her. The cats are adjusting well too. One is fine with her and the other is working on it. She love to leap and play at the park and loves the grass. She walks pretty well on a leash but still gets excited and wants to follow ereryone she meets. I am teaching her to be still as people walk by and she does but as soon as she can she pulls and starts running to catch up.
I still cant beleive she leaps in the air like a deer. Too funny. She sleeps in my bed and does well all night. She is the lap dog you predicted. I will send pics when I get my new computer. This apple is junk and cant send any pics right now. She had her first puppy cut and the groomer fell in love with her and said that Dori could hang with her anytime.

She is such a joy. She is sitting on my lap as I type on the computer. Well the pics worked. Suprrise


  Donna & Dori   Dori   I am ready for ST PATTY DAY


I could not be happier with Dori. She is simply house training with no accidents. She loves to sit on my lap and is just so loveable.

Thanks for everything!!



Dear CRPuppy Love,
As our Beautiful Bella approaches her 1st Birthday (2/19) I thought I would share some pics of her. She is the most loveable, friendly and perfect puppy ever! She has brought so much enjoyment to our family and everyone who comes near her! I have been told so many times that she is the cutest puppy people have ever seen! Thanks for such a wonderful addition to our family. My daughter is checking out the new pups and wants a "friend" for Bella...I have given several people your web site.
Thank you,
The Schumacher's


Hi this is Mia Marsini. I got my puppy Rocko from you in April. You had named him Topper I believe. I just wanted to let you know he is doing wonderful! He turned out to be a little bigger than expected...hes about 9 pounds now but We love him so much and he gets along great with our other dogs. I just thought I would send you some pictures of him...Thanks again for giving us a great pup.


Hello colene, I just want to thank u for my precious dakota. She is the sweetest, and the cutest dog ever. Her temperment is so precious. Dakota never leaves my side, and even comes to work with me. Each individual that meets her says she is the cutest dog that they have ever seen. She even has a different outfit for each day of the week. I don't know what I would do without her. My husband and I fight at night cuz when we go to sleep, we each want her next to us. It is pretty funny! Thank you all at crpuppy love for my precious little girl. I have also told at least 100 people about crpuppy love. Thanks again!


Hi Colene and Joyce,

Hello from NYC! It's been a whole year already, since I got little Liza, the Morkie, from you (her name is Tasha now). I just had to write and thank you again for my little Angel. We have had the best year together!! She has such a sweet temperment and is just so adorable. We get stopped on the street all the time and of course, I refer people to your website.

Here are some photos of me & Tasha, enjoying the Big Apple together, during this festive time of year. Rockefeller Christmas Tree, Radio City, etc.

By the way, Tasha is now a member of the Dog Actors Guild and has already performed in "Old Dogs" with Robin Williams and John Travolta! I'm so proud of my little girl!!

To see lots of videos of her and her Havanese boyfriend, go to www.chelseacommons.com/cuba - they even have some on YouTube!

Oh, I almost forgot, we ran into one of Tasha's brothers, on the streets of NY!! They looked liked twins - and me & the other parent said at the same time "CRPuppyLove??" Yup, they're related! How fun! We're going to try to set up some playdates for them.

Hope you & your families are well.
Happy Holidays!
& Tasha xx


She made it!!!! Our little girl is safe and sound at her new home! She is an absolute doll ..... she is even cuter in person!

We finally met her at about 11:00 p.m.; she was tired and just slept in her crate the whole way home. Last night I slept on the floor with her in one of the rooms so she wouldn't be so frightened. Today she is in the bathroom by herself, and I'm sure she's barking like crazy and driving the other animals nuts! But I'm certain she will settle down in time.

I cannot thank the both of you enough. Perola is really a dream come true for me; a total angel. I will send both of you pictures shortly so you will know for certain that she is very much loved and cared for.

Merry Christmas everyone!


Hi Colene~

I made my flight reservation to Kansas City for Jan. 13 to pick up my little doll. I confirmed this with Kathy and she said everything was just fine.
Kathy is such a sweet lady and she really does raise some very beautiful puppies. I truly enjoyed speaking with her today.
Thank you so very much for everything, Colene. My Christmas present may not arrive until after Christmas but it is sure worth waiting for. In fact, I've been surfing the net for 2 years now just looking for the perfect Yorkie and I FOUND HER....thanks to you & Kathy.
Very sincerely


Just wanted to let you know that Gracie is doing wonderful. I just love to pieces. It was love at first sight when Al handed her to me. She is so friendly and calm. She went to the vet today and he said she was in perfect health and she had been well taken care of by the breeders. Thank you so much for everything. I am attaching 3 pictures. The basset hound is Clarisse and Gracie seems smitten.

Thanks again
Joan Bennett



Just a quick note to tell you we celebrated Bodie's second birthday last week and wanted to tell you we are delighted with the demeanor and affection of this cockapoo. He is a lot spoiled and sometimes jealous of our older Cocker over attention but his sweet loving personality allows his to get "passes" for his behavior. We love him and want to say thank you for breeding such a great pet. He enjoys the sunshine of Orlando and someday may be looking for another play mate should something happen to our cocker. Just visited your website and all appears well. Thanks again. I am the lawyer who flew to Kansas City in Jan. 05 to get him with my wife. Great trip!!! Take care.


Hi guys! Just thought you might want an updated picture of Sprite (was Spider)! Feel free to add it to the website so people can see how he turned out! I think he is adorable! This was a photo of him at 6 months! He is now about 9 � months and is 3.2 pounds, a little bigger than expected, but absolutely adorable and the perfect personality! Have a nice night! Cindia


Just wanted to thank you so much for everything, you all are the greatest! He is adorable and cuter than I could imagine!
If you have any pictures of his sister I would love to see her just for fun!
Thanks again!


Hi Colene,
I just wanted to drop you a note and let you know Pixie (Lexi) the Maltichi is doing great.
She had her TV premier last night on the Miami audition for America's Cutest Puppies. She made the main photo for the Miami web page, here is the link. There should be more pictures of there on that episode's reviews soon.
She is sooo cute!! She made it to the top 10 pick but was kicked out before the top 5. Anyway we still know she is America's Cutest Puppy.
She has grown up to a little spunky fuzzball, I will be entering her into the America's Cutest Puppy Photo contest so I will send you a copy of the picture I use for that. She is the one and only local model for a high end designer of crocheted dog sweaters, collars and bows, so perhaps she missed her calling for Hollywood, which is just fine since she is a cherished family member.
She is as priceless as they come!
Thanks for making the love connection that got me this little princess,


Hi Colene

Yes, it feels as if we have had 'Heaven' for always and it definately is a PERFECT match. You did it again!!! She is so affectionate and we have spent much of the day giving and receiving kisses. She has learnt her away around the house and started squeeking when I took a bath....she wanted me out!!

It was lovely meeting Jess and thank you again for arranging it all so quickly. Maybe one day we can make it up to Twin Lakes and meet you in person!

Thanks for the photos, info etc.
All the best.....Regards,


my husband is crazy over sasha. it is amazing to watch her. she has adapted so well and she is such a social dog. words cannot describe my daughter's face. when she walked in the door. we had set up a scavenger hunt right when she opened the door that led her with clues and riddles to her new baby. she adores her.
ellen did an excellent job potty training her and she is so playful which shows how much she was played with and loved. we feel blessed to have found her through your website and cannot thank you enough.


Good Morning Colene and Ellen,

I promise that I won�t be writing you about Fancy�s every move. I took her out for her last pee-pee session last night and went to put her in the laundry room where all our dogs� beds, food and dog door are for her night sleep. She began to howl, and howl, and bark and get really mad! ;-) So I went to comfort her (even though our other dog was there (and thankfully for him, deaf in his old age). Then she started clinging to me again and I couldn�t just leave her. So up to the guest bed we went with Fancy in one arm and her bed in the other (this is looking bad for long term). I put the bed next to my head in the middle of the King-sized bed with big pillows on the other side. She went right to sleep and snuggled all night. I was awakened by two small paws on my arm. When I looked at her she rolled over with her head on my arm for a morning tummy scratch. Oh my goodness is she amazing! We then went right outside to go pee-pee. Then back in and she settled down for a nap just to suddenly jump up 5 minutes later and try to get off the bed. I put her down and she squatted to go poopy. I scooped her up and ran outside where she did her thing. She has not made in the house yet!

Anyway, thanks you both again for all you did. Fancy is amazingly well socialized and friendly. Ellen, you did such a good job raising these babies. I can tell they were a big part of your family life.

We hope Sasha is doing well and that they love her as much as we did just after a few hours. We would always take her if things did work out in NC.




A belated THANK YOU for your kind patience and expertise in guiding us to our amazing Havapoo puppy, Winston. He is the best combination of healthy, playful, intelligent, cuddly and adorable. My children are crazy about him, and everyone stops to compliment us on his beauty. You were really instrumental in this process, truly listening to our needs as a first-time dog owner family with four young children.
We are truly appreciative and continue to recommend you to friends and others who ask incredulously"

Arica Hirsch and family


Thanks for your help! Received my maltipoo boy and he is a doll! The sweetest, most playful little thing, ever and looks just like a baby maltese (but apricot). Thanks for your patience too since I switched and then the dog I wanted was sold, but so glad since I love this one! Thanks again. Caroline New York


Hi Colene and Michelle,

Last week marked a year since Bella arrived. I just want you both to know that I have never loved a dog as much as this dog. We are all totally crazy about her. This house is filled with so much laughter and happiness because of her (not that we were depressed before she arrived!). Anyway, I just want you to know that working with you both was wonderful. I�m so grateful Colene talked with me about our needs and lifestyle (i.e. our other 2 dogs), because a Havanese was definitely the answer!

I hope you are both doing well.


Ellen Campbell


Hi Joyce & Colene,

Thank you again for my beautiful little girl. She really has a great, very sweet temperment. She is doing well with the wee wee pads and was VERY good at the Vet today. She got a clean bill of health and the Vet loves her!

We had our first day out in Manhattan today. I carried her in a belly pack, since the Vet said I shouldn't walk her in the City til she's 16 weeks. She seemed to do well with the noises & seeing lots of people & animals on the Street. I bought her a little jacket to keep warm.

Colene - I will send you a copy of the Vet receipt and the signed contract.

Pictures of me & Tasha to come soon.

Thanks again,

I just wanted to say THANK YOU to Colene, and Ryan!!!! They went above and beyond what I ever dreamed. My son Braydy's Birthday was on wednesday and I found there site on Sunday night after 3 weeks of looking for puppies. We had a maltipoo that had passed away and we were all devastated. So I had went ahead and found the most adorable perfect puppy on the site. His name was Cheetos. I was so excited. Unfortunately, I didn't notice the sold sign. So they called me back the next day. Colene helped me decide on the Maltese breed. The only was they were all so cute!!!!! I wound up changing my mind a couple of times and even called Colene at midnight to tell her my decision of getting both puppies!!!!!! She and Ryan drove over 13 hours the next day to pick up the puppies and bathe them to get shipped out the next day so that they would arrive on Braydy's birthday!!!!!!!! They are wonderful and very caring people!!!! On Wednesda morning we went to the airport and picked up two fo the most beautiful maltese puppies that I had ever seen. They were healthy, barking and very excited. My son andI's heart just melted. I would personally recommend CRPUPPYLOVE and Ryan and Colene to all of my friends and anyone!!!!!!!!! Please feel free to e-mail me with any questions at [email protected] And truly from the bottom of my family's heart and two very very spoiled puppies hearts, THANK YOU Sincerely, Shannon Johnson Columbus, Indiana

My sweet Prince had his first birthday last month! He had his little puppy friends and human friends over for cake and games and lots of fun. In his first year he has done so many great things and some not so great things:( Here are a few: he is very good at tricks. We tease and tell him we're going to enter him into the circus!! he can sit, shake, high five, jump through hula hoops, rollover, and timeout(he lays down and covers his eyes with his front paws!!! soooo cute) He survived a horrible rat poison incident thanks to his very attentive daddy who caught him eating it:( He had his little tummy pumped and after a very long day (and a couple thousand
dollars) at the doggy fixer he was ready to go home!!! The very first time we had him groomed, he got out of the van that comes to groom them and ran to find Brady. One thing he hadn't encountered yet was pools. He went running and ended up diving right into the pool!!! Not so funny after I had just spent a small fortune getting him so pretty for his first trip to see his Nanna!!! He has flown to Aspen, Michigan, and Florida to visit with friends and family. He is an incredible traveler.....He sits in his little carrier just long enough for the stewardesses to comb the cabin over for the last time then sneeks up onto my lap for a long nap. We cover him and nobody even notices he's out!!! He stays really quiet:) He has been such a little blessing in our lives and we thank God everyday that Colene gave us this precious little bundle of joy. Princeton is so lucky to have such wonderful friends like all of you!!! Love you all:)

Kelly & Prince


Hi Colene
Hope you are doing well
I just wanted to give you an update on NIke He is doing very well and my nephew is so happy with him he had the perfect personality and he get along with my dog. He was perfect and well worth the trip!
You really did a great job and made it easy for us!!!
Thanks Ananthi


Just a quick note to tell you that Zelda (Kimmie) is just great. Fun, fun fun and smart. She came into this family and hasn't missed a beat. Thanks for a bright, happy and most of all, healthy puppy

Lots of Luck-Sherie Zobec

Dear Ryan, Gretchen, and CRPuppyLove,
Thank you so much for our wonderful new addition! She is doing great and is adjusting well to her new home. We do not know how we ever managed without her! The first night she was homesick but now she falls asleep easily in her crate next to Ninas bed. When it comes to potty training, she is learning quick and going outside on a regular basis. She has been the main attraction at our two vet visits and loves to be cuddled and played with by everyone!
Attached are some recent pictures. Thank you again for all of your help, we really appreciate it!
-Frank and family



Thank you so much for helping us find Zoe!!! She is beyond adorable, has a tremendous disposition and has been a pure joy! We simply cannot get enough of her.

She is adjusting very nicely. We have her going on the wee wee pads at a rate of 90%! She is a very fast learner. She has had an appetite the entire time and hasn't had any problems with the new food.

She is really starting to show us her personality now. She loves to play and loves to lick. We are so thrilled with her. Thank you to you, Denny and Ryan for taking such good care of her.




HI Guys - just wanted to let you know - we love our puppy - Shamrock arrived safely and Becky was so helpful - Shamrock is even more beautiful in person and what a delightful addition to our family of 7!! Thank you so much for all you did to make this such an easy and wonderful experience - we will be sure to recommend you to all we know!!! Thanks again! Niall, Doreen, Emily, Lauren, Brendan, Jaclyn & Justin

Dear Colene, Terry and Ryan,

I want to thank you for my wonderful puppy! She arrived safely and is a fabulous addition to my family. I too had looked for quite some time to find a beautiful, healthy, well-bred puppy. I did not believe that I could find the puppy I wanted through the internet, but I was wrong. I was quite fortunate to have found you. You made the entire transaction so easy and helped us reduce any concerns we might of had. You exemplify the best by setting high standards for yourself and your dogs. You are also as interested and concerned about the homes that these puppies are going to and for animal lovers, that speaks highly of your moral character. Because of your concern and efforts ..... I did find the absolute perfect puppy for my family ..... she is beautiful, has a loving personality and is wonderfully socialized. She greets us each day with such happiness, love and kisses. I will be forever grateful!

Thank you,



Good Morning Ms Colene ,

I want to send you a quick note .............. I 'm at work for 3 hours each day this week, so as you can imagine I am anxious to get out of here .

I wanted to let you know the babies are doing great . They have adjusted so well.
I have never seen anything like it . What ever Mrs Ethel was doing , works out wonderfully .
They use their potty pad and have not missed yet . They are eating well and drinking lots of water. I also believe they love their crate . I want you to know they woke up in a great mood today . They were not shy and they are getting a little routine . My morning started with a ton of kisses . I will keep you updated .
(they are still unnamed )
Oh yes ...................... Rich is very kind and patient . I can not remember anything he said . I was mesmorized by these babies . It was love at first sight .
Thank you again for this gift . I am certain they are worth their weight in gold .
I m certain you could have sold them a million times over .

thank you ,mitzi ( i will keep you posted )


Hello Colene,

The puppies arrived in perfect condition. They are absolutely gorgeous. We are all very happy with them

Hi just got the photos from our wedding..this is what I call true puppylove.....thought you may enjoy kiwi will always be my baby...


Greetings from your very appreciative clients. Esther and I are absolutely in love with our little angel. She is now 6 and 1/2 months old and an absolute doll. I have included a picture.

We just wanted to keep you updated.

Thanks again for giving us such a beautiful girl.


you have officially sent me the love of my life

i feel really bad for my boyfriend, because i think i said 5 words to him all weekend...its all about bugsy.

anyway he is absolutely amazing...basically he eats really well 2-3 times a day, pees and goes to the broom on the wee pad 95% of the time. Sleeps thru the night next to our bed in an open bed...so we are sooo in love

I just wanted to thank you for all the help you gave me in looking for puppy. Every time I e-mailed you I got a response right away.I have the tiny,tiny male now I named him petey and I love him,he is super. thanks again,

Thanks so much for the wonderful home for Harley -- I got the pet bed today and he loves it. I am certain he will also love the treats.
I am so happy with him. He is doing great and I just love spending time with him. It is so refreshing to deal with people that actually deliver what they advertise. I know people that will also be looking for pets in the upcoming months and they will all be coming your way.

Thanks again!



Dear Colene,
Thank you so much for everything and all of your help. He is just a
sweetheart and we all love him to death. He did so well yesterday at our
superbowl party with lots and lots of people and kids around. Boomer is
doing great in the kennel at night and so far has been doing his duty
outside. I took him to the vet today and she thought he looked great and
had a great temperment. Everyone thinks he is the cutest thing they have
ever seen and he just wants to be held all the time and loved. Thank you
again for all your support through this whole process. I would highly
recommend you. I will send the health guarantee today. Thanks again.
The Hardies and Boomer


She is Great! Yes, she loves to play. She hops everywhere and thinks she is the boss already. We just love her. I'm just amazed that she sleeps all night, is already potty trained outside, and hasn't acted like she misses her family in Nebraska. Today we are going for a check up, but sure that things are fine. As you can tell, I'm just as happy as can be. I'll give you another update later. Thanks so much for such a great experience. I was a little apprehensive since I had not ever purchased a puppy from out of state or not seen it in person before. But things went great.
Thanks again,


She is great!! We are best buddies already. She came off the plane 15 minutes earlier than the expected arrival. Kalee has made herself at home and even sleeps through the night. We are learning to potty in a specified area and she seems to accommodate the request well. I am taking her to the vet today to establish her there and get the regimen of what she needs. Sorry but I believe, now, I did get her at a bargain price......Thanks. As a side note, I have as one of my accounts a company that produces canine lullaby songs on CD, it hasn't generated allot of interest in the drug and food trades yet but it really does work, it is amazing and has many professional endorsements.if you are interested I'll send you a copy , not a sales pitch just a gift.

Bill Baker


Thank you so much for our precious new puppy. "Bailey" arrived safe and sound, and I'm not sure my 10 year old daughter is ever going to put him down. I will forward the guarantee back to you promptly, but we just wanted you to know that he arrived and we are thrilled.

Thank you for making this such an easy and pleasurable experience.

Leigh Moran (and family)


Yes, That's for sure....but boy is she worth every bit of troubles that Untited Airlines gave us!! She is ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE!!! She has been a complete angel for us. She's gone her her wee wee pad everytime. We have already fallen in love with her! Jordin's going to stay home with her today...I have to go to work ;-(

Thank you for all you did to get her to us! We'll talk soon!


Colene- Just wanted to send a quick note and tell you how incredibly happy I am with my littlte Prrinceton. He is amazing. He is 100% potty trained, three days without any accidents. He goes to the door and scratches! Can you believe it!!!! He is so smart. He loves to be with me, its so funny when someone else is holding him and he can still see me, he cries and looks at me. So adorable. He sleeps through the whole night without any accidents too! Such a great puppy.

Ms Colene
Just wanted to take a moment to tell you thanks for the guidance, and for putting me in contact with Mary from Kansas City. Come to think of it, I never did get her last name...
Anyway, I had a very nice phone conversation with her, and couldn't have a better feeling about things. I haven't had time to work on the details, but we will make the trip to Kansas City sometime late this week, or into the weekend.

I am sure you get all kinds of calls, and for you to take the time to work this out for us is something that my wife and I will not forget.

Thanks again,
Bill Holtz


Hello! I just wanted to write and say how happy we are with the maltipoo that we bought from you on 3/19/05. (I have attached a few photos) We named her Bella and are totally in love with her! She has the best personality, is so smart (she started going to the door on the third day to indicate that she had to go to the bathroom!) and is very sweet and loving. Also, our vet is impressed with her health. Thanks!

Andrea & Joe Rodgers


Hi Colene: I know it's taken awhile. Having a toddler and a new puppy is alot of work!!! It doesn't help that I have Lyme disease, Babesia and Bartonella on top of it too. We absolutely LOVE Gypsy and it is obvious that she loves us in return. She is just the cutest thing and very lovely. She has a wonderful personality and disposition and gets along so well with my son. I would have to say that she is a perfect match for our family. We are more than pleased with her and I am happy we decided to go ahead even though some didn't think it was a good idea to get her flown in. All in all, adopting her was an easy and pleasant experience. And I don't think we would have gotten a puppy with such a great disposition if we had adopted from a pet store. She is in perfect condition and the vet says she is as healthy as a puppy could be. I do have some pictures but they aren't ready to send yet. I am hoping to send them sometime this week - so keep a look out for them.

Will talk to you later, Jill Fleury


Colene and Denny,

Hi! This is Sal Lipari's very, very happy and surprised wife. This baby was the best gift I could ever have gotten!!! We have named her Zoe and she is the smartest little girl!!! She is fitting in perfectly with our family. Even Mia, our cat is starting to warm up a bit...My son has just returned home from College and he was absolutely in awe of her!!!!!!! My daughter loves her to pieces!! I have attached 2 pictures of Zoe. Thank you for a wonderful experience. Things couldn't have gone more smooth!!!

Donna Lipari



We received the puppy yesterday right on schedule and we couldn't be happier! Thank you for all your help and support. I will get back to you in the near future with updated pictures of our new baby. She is doing very well, and seems to be perfectly healthy. Thanks again and take care.


CR Puppy Lov e
(515) 250-3599


Sandy Duncan
with Jessie as a pup and Jessie as a full grown dog

Sandy is one of many well known people to adopt CR PUPPY LOVE puppies

Sandy and Puppy Jessie

Call Colene for more information on pups:

Colene: (515) 250 3599

Falafel, our guard dog.



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